Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Antonicont Handmade Lures

Italy has had more than its fair share of old masters, Botticelli, Michelangelo but what about some new ones. Antoni Conteddu of Antonicont Handmade Lures is one of those artists who takes, wood, paint and shiny things to some other place most of us can just dream about. It is hard to find one point alone that stands out about his creations, it is all a master work, the internal engineering and weight shift, external form, carved details and paint work is on a line of perfection.

When looking at someone’s work at this level I can only be inspired, and also a little bit jealous but I take comfort in thought that something else has to suffer for this greatness and maybe he is a terrible cook who’s pasta is always overcooked, or maybe not. Check out his facebook page Antonicont Handmade Lures, you may wish your keyboard had its own like button to save precious time while viewing.


  1. Beautiful lures...
    All the lures are perfected to the finest details
    Paul will you post a youtube video about how to make glossy scales like those in pictures? ('w' )?

    1. Yes Antoni is a master, at the moment I have no plans to do a video about making line patterns in foil but maybe in the future

  2. Nice to meet you.
    I saw the YouTube and Google +.
    You have a real technology.
    Great job.
